This Bullet Buddy magazine speed loader is designed to be easy to use and can quickly reload your magazine in seconds! The rapid loading system consists of 3 pieces, the loader, plunger and feeder. The loader is placed on top of the magazine, The feeder grabs 10 rounds at a time and is placed onto of the loader so the cartridges fall into the loader, the plunger is then placed on the loader and the cartridges are plunged into the magazine With the Bullet Buddy rapid loading system, you can reload your magazines in seconds, giving you a tactical advantage in any situation. Whether you're shooting at the range, hunting in the field, or protecting your home, this magazine speed loader provides a quick and efficient way to reload your rifle. Never run…Reload! This Bullet Buddy is compatible with 5.56, .223 and 300 Blackout caliber rounds and can hold up to 10 rounds at a time. The speed loader is also designed to be easy to use, with a comfortable grip and lightweight construction. Whether you're a casual enthusiast or a professional shooter, this system is sure to enhance your shooting experience.