The .30/06 Model 70 magazine boxes are sold in pairs of two for one low price of $22. I have 85 used Pre-1964 Winchester Model 70 steel magazine boxes for sale in the cartridge length .30/06-.270-7x57mm in good condition. The boxes are pre-owned and were removed from Pre-war Model 70s that were decommissioned at a military installation in the 1980s. The boxes are in good condition with some surface oxidation, but they still have the original Winchester finish and bluing that was applied at the factory in the late 1930s. (Pre-war and Post-war Winchester Model 70 magazine boxes are identical.) Most sellers list the .30/06 length magazine boxes for $30-$69 each in used condition. While the supply lasts, I am selling the same original magazine boxes for $11 each, priced as a pair for $22.